Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIY Decopage Messenger Bag

Courtesy of Honestly WTF

I thought this idea was so great. Decopage your favorite fabric your favorite messenger bag. In this case it's a great bag from H&M. I love that store and this bag is right up my alley. I love quick projects like this.Here is how mine turned out.

   Here are my tips:

1- Pick a simple designed bag.  This one had nice flat pockets in the front.

2- I would keep the amount of pieces to glue down to a minimum and don't overlap. This is where i came into some problems. You won't get the flat look if you do layers.

3- Seal you items with only 1 layer of decopage. I did 2 and i thought it was too stiff for my liking.

4- I used a thin fabric, this was a vintage pillowcase.


1- Paint your desired background color and let it dry thoroughly before adding your images.

2- Cut images out very close to the edge.

3- Put a coat on the back of your image and set into place.

4-Let dry and then apply another coat to seal.

5- I let mine dry over night before using.

I know it didn't turn out perfect but I love it anyway. I hope your are inspired to try this yourself.