Thursday, November 22, 2012

Things i love Thursday... Mushroom's!

Who doesn't smile when they see a mushroom. Not me. When I see them in nature, I have to admire them and when I see them at the store, I want to buy them. Whether to eat or decorative items for the home, I'm a sucker for a mushroom.

A Mushroom House!

beautiful necklace

this poster

In nature

This wall art

These cookies.

As as always, I hope these made you smile.  I have the day off today, so I will be spending it with my family. I hope you enjoy your day of family and rest, if your lucky enough to be off work too and if your hitting the black Friday sales then I just have to say, let the force be with you my friend. I only did it once and I say never again.  Thanks for stopping by.



1 comment:

  1. Looks like we have the same passion about mushrooms! I love seeing mushrooms too, especially those found in nature. I always spend a day every week walking in the woods, hunting for mushrooms. I always carry a basket as storage for edible mushrooms, and a camera to take a picture of those colorful ones. Have you tried walking in the woods? I think you should. You’ll never regret it!

    >Mack Shepperson
