Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Monthly Recap...My Favorite Posts for January

Favorite Posts for 2012


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This month just flew by.  It was a great start to the new year full of family fun and good food. So far this year is showing vast improvement compared to last year. I'm totally focused on self improvement and fulfilling my goals. Which I just realized, I never posted my goals for the year. I'd like to strive for 3-4 smaller goals a month that get me closer to reaching my big goals for the year and adding more fun goals too!  I also need to come up with rewards for achieving them too.  Why not, huh?
I hope this year is already proving to be better than the year before for you too. What goals do you have?
Do share.
Have a great day



  1. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I'm following back now ;)

  2. I would love to read more about your goals! I'm glad you had a good month!
